We offer "Female Only" appointments for all our tests, including echocardiograms.
Please ask for our "Female Only" option if you prefer an all female team (cardiac technician, sonographer and/or cardiologist) for your test.
24-Hour Blood Pressure Monitor
A 24 Hour Blood Pressure Monitor obtains multiple blood pressure recordings over a 24 hour period to provide a more accurate assessment of your actual blood pressure.
This test can identify elevated blood pressure (hypertension), the presence of which is associated with a higher risk of “heart attack” and stroke. Conversely, this monitor can also exclude hypertension in those who have elevated blood pressure readings only when they visit their doctor (ie. “white coat” hypertension).
Our Cardiac Technologist will apply an appropriately sized inflatable blood pressure cuff directly on your upper arm beneath your clothing – this arm cuff will remain on for the entire monitoring period.
The arm cuff is connected via tubing to a portable monitor worn on your belt.The arm cuff will automatically inflate at regular intervals (inc. overnight) – measurements are taken every 30 to 60 minutes during the day and every hour at night. Please do not remove the blood pressure cuff between blood pressure measurements.
Once the device is fitted, you can undertake your usual daily activities, however please do not shower, bathe or undertake water sports while wearing the monitor. When the arm cuff inflates, please avoid excessive movement of your arm and let it hang loosely. Avoid flexing muscles or moving the hand and fingers of the cuffed arm.
You can remove the arm cuff after wearing the monitor for 24 hours.
Please return the monitor to Victoria Heart reception by 10:00 am on the following morning (weekdays) for analysis.